5.    Eugen Madikane

& Eugenet Communications

Eugene greets us with a big smile as he assists a few walk-in customers, before promptly resuming the interview. With intense competition from smartphones, fewer people need internet cafes to browse the web. Therefore, the share of revenue from the internet café has been declining, whilst most of the business revenue is now generated from printing. He also said that service such as scanning are also in demand and he leverages off this and his other digital services company.

He still is passionate when he speaks about opening a computer centre to increase computer literacy in the community. He is currently continuing to search for operating space where he can set up his computer centre. He is also considering forming partnerships where possible to see this vision become a reality.  Eugene’s highlighted a concern that there are high-school graduates who sometimes come to the internet café without knowledge of how to use the Google search engine. According to Eugene, his record keeping has improved significantly since he started using the template consistently, which has had a significantly positive impact on his ability to analyse revenue streams and prioritise his services.