4. Glen Muleya & GM Eats

Starting with just a grill and a dream a few years ago, Glen Muleya set up a roadside food stall where he began grilling delicious chicken. He had only a small amount of capital and big ideas for expansion, but no clear path on how to grow. With a quality product and visibility on a busy street, he grew a steady customer base. With sheer persistence and the support of a previous GE programme in which he participated in 2019, he upgraded his humble operation. Amongst others, he expanded his menu, purchased a large frying machine, and three jobs in the process.


Over the past year, his business has grown steadily, allowing him to open a branch in Sandton, Johannesburg’s upmarket and wealthiest district. He competes with small restaurants and major food retailers, providing tasty and affordable meals to his Sandton-based clients. While the Sandton branch is doing very well, his original location in Alexandra is undergoing major renovations. Having focused so much on the Sandton branch in recent times, Glen is worried that he has somewhat neglected his Alex customers. His goal is to transform his Alexandra premises into a double-story restaurant with a seating area, providing a more inviting space and an improved customer experience. Now employing seven people, he is not only changing his life but also empowering others through job creation.