4. Dikeledi Mathibe & Neo Laundry
Dikeledi was excited to share the progress she had made since the GE. She reported that her sales have increased, even though she experienced major challenges in the past months. Her landlord unexpectedly and unreasonably kicked her out of the premises when she asked him to do a roof leak repair which was affecting her machines. Dikeledi mentioned that after moving from the business premises and business slowing down, she realized just how much she and her family rely on the laundry business to have a decent living. She decided not to give up and continue to service her clients by doing house calls. She has placed her machines at her sister’s home at 9th Avenue where she washes loads of laundry and delivers to her clients.
She further managed to create a partnership with a hotel in Sandton, which she services three times a week. “I am eating a lot from this hotel”, she explains with a smile. Securing this client as a result of the recommendations has been pivotal to the survival of her laundromat. She hopes to secure more such partnerships in the future. She has managed to purchase a new property in a new location in Alex, where she will extend the premise to include her residence and move there with her family and eliminate the need to pay rent. She will work on improving her online presence after she has settled into the new premises.